The Productive City – IABR-2016 Atelier Rotterdam (NL)

The Productive City – IABR-2016 Atelier Rotterdam

More and more cities (port cities) are refocusing on the manufacturing economy, encouraged by the transition to a circular economy, the emergence of smart technology, and the need for socially inclusive cities. To Rotterdam, a port city with a rich industrial history, this is a development that offers welcome opportunities.

As part of the 7th edition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, IABR–2016–THE NEXT ECONOMY, the city of Rotterdam and the IABR have established the Atelier Rotterdam: The Productive City.

The Atelier has conducted research by design to identify the opportunities for the future of the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague from the perspective of the next manufacturing economy. What value can the manufacturing economy add to the city and the region? Is it possible to improve its links with existing large-scale industry? And will this allow Rotterdam to profit more from the huge material flows that will continue to traverse the port and the city in the future?

The Atelier also presented 7 spatial development perspectives on the scale of the metropolitan region. They do not constitute an all-encompassing strategy, but a range of strategic and prototypical interventions that strengthen the regional manufacturing economy and thus contribute to an economically strong and socially inclusive urban region.

Source: IABR


Location Rotterdam (NL)
Year 2015-2016
Status Final
Language EN_NL
Commissioner IABR & municipality of Rotterdam
Team BURA (De Zwarte Hond, L’AUC, BURA (formerly known as marco.broekman)